Details on Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
BackEndometrial Receptivity Analysis is done to determine the exact time when the endometrium is receptive at its maximum level and accelerates successful implantation.
It evaluates the DNA levels and determines if it the endometrium is receptive to implantation or not. The procedure is executed on the day of the embryo transfer at the time of transferring a frozen-thawed blastocyst. On a few occasions, the endometrium is purposely put in a condition feasible for implantation in cases of implantation failure in the past. The procedure is not optimal at a genetic level.
The technique of ERA allows assessing, from a molecular point of view, the status of women’s endometrial receptivity.
An endometrium is receptive when it is ready for the implantation of the embryo to take place. This usually occurs between days 19-21 each menstrual cycle. This period of receptivity is known as the implementation window.
Lack in synchronization between a ready-to-implant embryo and a receptive endometrium is the prime reason of recurrent implantation failure. Hence, evaluation of endometrium to establish the optimal day for embryo transfer is vital.
The endometrial biopsy performed on day LH + 7 (natural cycle) or day P + 5 with a substituted cycle. The biopsy is done by an in-house gynecologist to perform the ERA test. It is done in the clinic itself and is an easy and quick process. After its dispatch, the expression of 236 genes involved in endometrial receptivity is analyzed. A computer predictor of its own design analyzes the data obtained, classifying the endometrium as Receptive or Non-Receptive.
The functionality of Endometrial Testing ERA
An ERA has been tested in patients who have faced failures in implantation with even embryos of good morphological quality in the past. The test is beneficial for patients who apparently have a normal uterus and good quality endometrial thickness. The measurement of such thickness should be ideally ≥6 mm.
ERA diagnosis is executed in patients with atrophic endometriosis. The endometrial thickness of such patients never consistently reaches 6mm. Patients with normal endometrial thickness represent a cycling cycle with growth below 6mm are advised to cancel the cycle and initiate a fresh new cycle. One-fourth of these patients detect the displaced implantation window.
ERA analysis allows finding out the personalized implantation window. It also establishes a personalized embryo transfer (pET) for the patient based on the result. ERA Test is advised and suggested by gynecologists to have a detailed fertility treatment plan for successful implantation Advanced Reproductive Genetic Services.
Overview of Endometrial Testing ERA
The ERA diagnosis involves a small sample of endometrial tissue to establish the best day for transferring the embryo. The procedure is initiated by a quick biopsy sample executed by gynecologists to determine whether the endometrium is receptive or not. ERA testing can find your personalized window of implantation in case of displacement and will allow a personalized embryo transfer (pET).
Candidature for Endometrial Testing ERA
The ERA test is recommended for:
- Fertility patients with previous experience of recurrent implantation failure with high-quality embryos
- 30% of fertility patients with a displaced window of implantation
Benefits of Endometrial Testing ERA
The benefits of ERA are undeniable. The fertility treatment itself involves a lot of uncertainty. The reasons for failures of IVF cycles are many times unexplained. There are no factual reasons behind failures even with “healthy” embryos. Much internal screening and diagnosis are required in the IVF cycles in order to make them justified and successful. The vital benefits of ERA are:
- ERA increases the chances of getting pregnant after the assisted reproduction treatment when performing the embryo transfer in a personalized way.
- The procedure of ERA diagnosis has actually resulted in a 73% pregnancy rate in patients with previous implantation failure.