I have infertility. What should I do?
BackInfertility is defined as the inability to achieve a pregnancy after one year of having unprotected sex, in women over 35 years are considered 6 months.
Infertility should always be studied in pairs because it is estimated that the cause is almost always shared by up to 50%.
The ideal is to perform some basic studies in both men and women in order to first obtain a diagnosis of individual fertility, and then a diagnosis in pairs, to know what Assisted Reproduction treatment are candidates.
Within the studies for women is a Hormonal Profile, an endovaginal Ultrasound, diagnostic Hysteroscopy, and Hysterosalpingography. It is also very important to perform a vaginal culture to rule out infectious processes at the time of initiating treatment since infections themselves can be the cause of infertility.
In the male, a semen study (direct spermatobioscopy or seminogram) should be performed to know the quantity and quality of the spermatozoa. These studies can be completed in less than a month, so as long as you have all the elements, always guided by the specialist in Assisted Reproduction will be assessed which treatment is the best.
Arriving soon to a correct diagnosis is the most important since this will reduce the waiting time, which is basic to have a better prognosis in the treatment, avoid unnecessary expenses, but above all it minimizes emotional exhaustion.
If it is infertility, always go with the expert!